Screenshot Tricks

With these screenshot shortcuts, tricks, and apps, you will be snapping shots everywhere faster than the wind.

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  • Screenshot of entire screen: ⌘ + shift + 3
  • Screenshot of chosen crosshair: ⌘ + shift + 4
  • Screenshot of window: ⌘ + shift 4 then Spacebar
  • Screenshot to the clipboard only: ⌘ + cntl + shift + 3 or 4


  • Get Skitch Here
  • Crosshair: ⌘ + shift + 5
  • Window: ⌘ + shift + 6
  • Watch to learn how to ad arrows, boxes, blur, and many more nifty annotations to your screenshots.

Droplr (Optional - if you use it)

  • Remember in the Droplr lesson, you can take a crosshair screenshot with Option+Shift+4 and it will upload the shot to the internet and paste a shortlink to your clipboard for viewing.

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