Finder Shortcuts
The Finder keyboard commands you need to know in order to start your journey towards becoming a Mac Expert. Finder is powerful and now you will be too.

Lesson Content & Links:
- ⌘ + N = New window
- ⌘ + W = Close window
- ⌘ + shift + N = create new folder
- ⌘ + A = Select all in that directory
- ⌘ + I = Get Info on selected item
- ⌘ + delete = move to trash
- ⌘ + Z = undo deleting or moving
- ⌘ + space = Spotlight (for now)
- ⌘ + option = Search Finder (Alfred will be ⌘ + space)
- Control + ⌘ + 1 or 2 or 3 - Toggle sort by type
- Spacebar = preview item
- Holding Shift or ⌘ to select items
- Press enter while highlighting any file/folder/song to re-name quickly the push enter again to exit editing
- Dragging folders while holding Alt/opt to copy instead of moving.
- Highlighting items with Shift & ⌘ button.
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Training Information
Video Time: 16:20
Action Tips:
Pause the video, practice the shortcuts, and see how they can fit into your own daily flow. Share your personal tips with other Dojo Students in the comments below.
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