The Trackpad is Your Sword

Learn how to wield your blade properly in this lesson. This applies to both trackpad and mouse. Increase your sensitive awareness and always strike true.

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Leave your ninja related questions and comments below...


  • psbrubaker

    December 30, 2013

    I’m a mac newbie. Why don’t the forward/back two-finger gestures work in Finder like they do in a browser?

    • Tharyn

      December 31, 2013

      Hi. That sounds like it would be a great idea. Unfortunately, Apple has not implemented this gesture feature inside of Finder. Hope you’re enjoying the course! 🙂

  • Vicki

    December 31, 2013

    I got this for my sister; thinking this will make her more proficient in using the Mac. I need it too. I have been clicking close windows instead of using the gesture to get to the desktop. You have no idea how much time this saves me. Oh, wait. I guess you do.

    Vicki Stokes

    • Tharyn

      December 31, 2013

      Hey Vicki. I really appreciate that. You have no idea how good it feels to hear from you that these tips are improving your Mac experience. You’re getting Ninja quick already. Enjoy!

  • BruceP

    January 3, 2014

    I am relatively new to Macs (from the world of “blue screens of death”) and know there is lots to learn.
    I just watched the first tutorial (on the trackpad) and while streaming, is there any way to pause the lessons? I know the first one is not long lesson, but I did need to interrupt the lesson while was in progress. Just curious if there is any way to “PAUSE” it, so I can take a phone call while the lessons are streaming?

    • Tharyn

      January 3, 2014

      Hey Bruce,

      Thanks for asking! You can pause by clicking anywhere on the video. (I recommend watching in full screen, then pausing to practice). You can also push spacebar when you’re on this page.

      Hope that helps. Let me know anything else.

  • Susie

    February 27, 2014

    Hi Tharyn
    My work mac, which I’ve always considered quite grunty, is taking quite a long time to buffer the above tutorial. Any tips? Can I change the resolution of the video?

    • Tharyn

      March 1, 2014

      Hi Susie. The videos are only 1 resolution, which is high quality enough to see details, but not as big as the original screen. I apologize that it’s loading slow. Please give it some time, and also check your internet connection. Additionally, the servers are located in California, so that could come into play a little bit depending where you are. I will ask my hosting how I can improve this for you. If you have any further questions or trouble do email me. Cheers! 🙂

  • Deborah

    March 15, 2014

    The three finger look up feature does not work on my mac. I have tried several times.

    • Tharyn

      March 17, 2014

      Hi Deborah! Please make sure that you open System Preferences, go to “Trackpad” and then under the first tab, “Point & Click” that you have “Look Up” enabled. Please try to use three finger tap on many words in many programs to see if it works. Sometimes in Chrome, it will not work. Let me know if that helps. Thanks!

  • McheleH

    March 15, 2014

    I have a Mac mini, which I am using a conventional mouse with scroll wheel in center. I love the gestures available to me on my idevices. In the future I would like to go for either the trackpad or the Magic Mouse. Upon seeing the lesson, I’m leaning toward Magic Mouse. I would rather not invest in both. Any thoughts? Thanks.

    • Tharyn

      March 17, 2014

      If I were you, I would go for the Magic Mouse. Best of both worlds. 🙂
      I actually have a mouse connected to my MacBook all the time. Very useful.

      • Michele Hermansen

        April 15, 2014

        Thanks! I see a magic mouse in my future.

  • Jordan

    April 6, 2014

    I’m not sure I understand why you would use a mouse and a trackpad? what sort of things would you do on your mouse?

    • Tharyn

      April 6, 2014

      Hi Jordan. Great question. I would use my mouse 90% of the time. Especially for working with web development things and excel sheets. I just prefer it. The trackpad is fine for browsing and other non-pointer intensive work. I use trackpad for 3 finger tap and sometimes gestures. Ideally, you should optimize the keyboard and memorize as many hot keys as you possible can to replace any mouse movements. It takes time to learn and master. Do what works best for you in your own flow. 🙂
      Hope that helps. -Tharyn